Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Communication Platform


The Court Square Press Condo Association is pleased to announce new communication platform is successfully launched this year. We are regularly communicating to all residents in a secure online web portal at:

This blog will no longer be posting updates to the community in 2014. If you do not have access to Court Square Press Residents, Please see Chris Mullen for your unique user ID and password. Chris can be reached in his office or

Bookmark the link and visit often. You will be able to view announcements, records, upcoming events and bulletin board postings in our new communication platform. We look forward to a open dialogue in a safe, secure online environment.

Board Of Trustees

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Storm

In expectation of the Winter Storm approaching, Bayberry Management has issued a few reminders for all residents:

Power Loss:If the buildings do experience a power outage we do have a back up generator for life safety only which will keep the lights on in common areas.

Fire Alarm:We have over 1200 alarm devices on the inside and outside of each building, with high winds and snow, this may cause problems with the system, and set the alarm off. Please be aware of your nearest exits to vacate the building if necessary. As the Concierge phone line is the link to Boston Fire and the Alarm Company, please do not call that line.

Parking:Parking on Foundry St. is not a snow emergency zone so parking is permitted, but you may be blocked in by plows clearing the street. If you are looking to move your car to a different part of the city, the City of Boston website will be posting approved parking areas.

Driveway Parking as in all snow storms will be restricted to live stopping only, to allow for the plow clear the snow. This will be in affect until the snow stops and the driveway is clear of snow.
Please use caution on foot as we remove snow from walkways. If any of you are in need to help please let a staff member know.